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The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Nice one, not many people understand just how difficult it is to start your own business and keep it running - pardon me for sounding like someone out of dragons den but was it successful?

Thanks man

It is, its still running, profiting nicely and I am totally on top of everything. Things are on the up and up and I am very much looking to what 2011 brings.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Lighten up fool.

For a start, the 34 year old woman is fugly. Some women have a thing for younger men, I have a thing for older women.

The first 22 year old I mentioned has a nice-ish body, she is quite big but still has a nice body IMO. Big women usually come with big tits. She ain't bad looking, her body is alright but her personality sucks. Too "mouthy" for me.

The 18 year old I mentioned does have a nice body and is good looking IMO. Some don't think so but I do. She is a nice person but for some reason I can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Plus the THICK Brummie accent is horibble.

The 2nd 22 year old is quite a big girl, but that doesn't bother me, plus she is a F cup Nice girl and I've known her for a few years. Found out yesterday that she has always had a thing for me. Not what I would call relationship material.

As you can see, by all means not perfect. It wasn't bullshit, just a light hearted post because I was in that kind of mood. I don't know much about you but I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to me like I was 14 and acuse me of bullshitting and being a "sad lonely guy". For very good reasons, I am not bullshitting, nor am I a sad lonely guy. You don't really know me from Adam, so a little respect would be appreciated. There was no need to pounce like you did. The forum might not care about these women, but it was a fun post.

Thanks for the 'advice' though Mr. Flame.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Working xmas eve night, finish 7am xmas.
Go over to my mothers for xmas day then over my dads for boxing day.

Aren't parents being split fun? Meh, 2 dinners for me
The General Lee
S3 licensed
I set up my own business and managed to keep it running without problems for nearly a year (27th Jan)
Get a girlfriend that was way outta my league
Buy myself a decent car
Get my own place
Pull my finger out and replace the broken pedals on my G25 meaning I can play LFS again

Probs more, not a bad year for me tbh.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
If only she was as yummy as Stifflers mum!

She asked me if I could 'legally' download something for her, I opened her laptop and it opened on to her emails. One was from a website called "BeNaughty" telling her that a user tried to contact her. She got embarresed, I pounced. Win.

The General Lee
S3 licensed
Jamie (aka Jammy - aka Jammy Doughnut) listen my podgy friend.

Enjoy being fat. Women love it. I admit, I pull it off better than you but just tell them its "More cushion for the pushin' baby"

Seriously, I will be hitting up the gym after new year. This isn't a NY reselution that will go out the window. I used to go to the gym but stopped when I got into a relationship. My bulky frame is being wasted with the belly.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Relationships hurt. Take it from me.

Casual sex doesn't hurt. Unless she is a slag. Easy = Pain.

I have 4 real women I could text saying "Meet me for some sexy baby" and they would. Although one is a 34 year old divorcee that would eat me alive if I gave her half the chance.

One is a 22 year old with a nice body and a cracking set of titaays.
Another is a 18 year old with an amazing body, even more cracking set of said 'taays. Except she is a Brummie with a VERY thick accent.
The other is a 22 year old slighty rounded girl with a F sized rack.

I used to love relationships untill my heart was ripped out, run over with a Daewoo then set alight, before being put out by a tramp pissing on it.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
That must be worth some money, more than £2000 I'd say. I looked at plates a lot in the past and from experience, something like that will be worth more like 4 or 5 thousand.

The only problem is, if you go private, you can be waiting a looong time before someone buys it. If I was you, I would contact places like Regtransfer etc. and say you want more than £2,000 for it.

Its like we buy any car, they will offer you a load less than its worth but the sale happens quickly.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Wow, paranoia much.

Not really.

Given the kind of shit I've been through (Which isn't much compared to say, soldiers or something) but maybe you would be too.

Different situations lead to different actions.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Twice in my life i've awoken to find someone with a knife robbing me.

On both occasions making a load of noise and shouting at them to get the f**k out of my house was all that was needed for them to do exactly that.

As a rule, these people carry a weapon to scare you, not to harm you.

I have no doubt that if I had tried to attack either of these guys with a weapon I would have had a very high chance of being stabbed.

Having a weapon wont protect you, it's more likely to get you killed.

If shouting at them leave, surely waving a wheel brace in their face will make them move double time.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Nice to see your delicate approach hasn't gone with age Kev

It's got nothing to do with being the hard man and I'm single now

I've seen a bit of violence, been in horrible situations. I don't wanna brag so I won't go into detail. Infact, most of them have been the most scariest times of my life.

I know people that carry knives and they aren't even chavs. Its to protect themselves from the dangers out there. - I don't approve of that, but I have no problem leaving a few household items around my house in case it does happen. It's all "just in case"
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :No I don't keep random weapons concealed around my house, are you mad?

Nope, not mad

Quote from thisnameistaken :If someone does break into my house (which is very unlikely to happen) and that person is willing to attack the occupant rather than scarper if they are disturbed (even less likely to happen) then the last thing I would want to do is take a weapon to them.

Surely, if they see the weapon then they will think twice. We don't know unless it happens. It could happen and we could sit back and say "If only I had something to fight him off with."

Quote from thisnameistaken :For one thing it'll be obvious to a judge that you kept that object around for the express purpose of killing someone with, and if you lose it it's going to be used against you. In fact if your visiting friends have found these "hidden" weapons what makes you think an invader won't also see them?

The weapons aren't for killing people, it just something to give me half a chance it the unspeakable happens. They are well hidden, but easy to get to. I'd like to think an invader won't be popping in during the day.

Quote from thisnameistaken :If they're planning to get violent they'll probably come tooled up for it anyway, so you'll be ****ed whether you've got a weapon or not.

Exactly, so surely its best to give myself a fighting chance.

Jibber - Guns? No way. They are "household items" that happen to be at the right place at the right time.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
The General Lee
S3 licensed
It's all "just in case" - I wouldn't go waving it passing kids or anything (My weapon that is!! Ah, I mean my rod of iron. Shit, I... You know what I mean :razz

They've been put there, then stayed there.
Weapons in the home...
The General Lee
S3 licensed
This is quite a touchy subject I'd imagine so I was a little skeptical about posting it up.

Basically I've got my own place now, have done since August. At the time I was in a relationship and my girlfriend used to stay over quite a lot. In this day and age, anything can happen. There has been posts about people being broken into, luckily they weren't home. But what if you were, even more worrying, what if your wife/girlfriend was home alone and you had a couple of guys come in? Really doesn't bare thinking about. Even if I was on my own, its still a scary thought. Me waking up to find 2+ men in my house. 1 of me, 2 of them, not gonna end well. - I don't live in a rough area at all, but it still happens. To be honest, with my line of work it is very common for people to come back for more, as it were. I've had it before, not nice. With my company, there is a good chance I could take a contract from someone and they could teach me a lesson. I've had death threats before, so it does happen.

I have various "weapons" scattered about the house. Basically, no matter what room in the house I'm in, I'm covered. They aren't on show as its not something I want to show off. But when I first moved in, my girlfriend spotted one, said nothing then spotted another one and quizzed me about it. I told her it was for mine and her safety. She didn't see it like that, she thought I was being silly. Then the other day, a friend of mine spotted one and got really funny about it. Telling me it was stupid to have such things scattered about the house.

Question is, am I wrong for wanting to protect me, friends, family, loved ones with a more "old school" approach and does anyone else here have anything like that about the house.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
If the girls were real, that forum would be the place to be.

... But they aren't real so that makes it one creapy ass forum.

Also, pretending a plastic doll is real, dressing it up, putting it in "scenes" and having sex with it - vs- playing an online racing simulator because we don't have the £££ to race for real...? Yea, the same thing.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Dartmoor isn't far from me Come visit.

If you go past Cullompton/Exeter then you've past me
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :Finally my headlights arrived 2 days ago,and finaallyy... i had time to install them. i never loved anything this much before it is so good to actually see where i am going..


Loving the look!! Will look great with smoked indis, delensed and shrouds



Smoked - without delensed and shrouds...

Smoked - with delense and shrouds...

Looks great - don't you agree?
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Not watches 24, but I have watched Prison Break whcih I;ve heard is pretty much the same thing-ish kind of nearly.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
It's a bit windy.... Driving is more interesting.

Apart from that, meh.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from Billeh :??? I thought it was a good deal for the whole lot was just going by some of the online prices i have seen though

He means its a bloody good deal...
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I was surfing PornHub looking at some Videos.

Edited for truth.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Another brilliant video from Brooksie. So glad he returned to filming the drift world.
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :

Only had the car for 2 bloody weeks, and already it has taken damage. Something (I'm guessing a small pebble judging by the damage) smacked the N/S headlight while I was on the Motorway. At least it hit the Headlight and not the bodywork!

So, what torrent of cars are you "driving" these days?

Hows the M3?
The General Lee
S3 licensed
Actually mate, sorry to piss on your chips, but it isn't.

The answer is...


It's Friday night and I'm at work, leave me alone